The Tiger Schmiger Series.

Sam’s Amazing Brain

Everyone has a Learning Brain. When a child is not aware of the power of their own learning system, they are sometimes led to believe that they are not good enough or that they are not as able to learn as their peers. We can change that.

In Sam’s Amazing Brain we make visible the working parts of the learning brain so that any child can access their natural ability for learning. By understanding these basic brain functions we can first co-regulate with the child and then support the child as they gain agency over their self-regulation.

Sam’s Dinosaur Brain
Everyone has a Dinosaur Brain. When a child is tired, sad, or hungry their dinosaur brain is activated. The consequence of this is amygdala hijack. Any attempt to learn while in amygdala hijack will be fruitless.

In Sam’s Dinosaur Brain, we begin by making the child aware of what causes amygdala hijack and how to navigate their flight, fight, freeze, or fawn response. By understanding these basic brain functions we can first co-regulate with the child and then support the child as they gain agency over their self-regulation.

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